Blue Box Marketing

Media, Madmen and a Microphone – What it’s really like working in radio

I’ve spent nearly 20 years working in and around radio and as radio people will tell you, once it’s in your blood, your love for radio never leaves.

It’s fast paced, fun and unpredictable. It’s definitely not for shrinking violets or those seeking a cruisy desk job. It’s late night, early starts, tight deadlines and the most vivacious, driven creative bunch of people I’ve ever worked with.

Recently, I was interviewed by Luke Holt for his Learn Radio podcast. Have a listen as I reveal what it’s really like working in radio and why I love it so much.

Yes, I spend my spare time listening to other people’s radio ads (and tv ads) and I’m continually honing my craft. After all, I’ve written radio and tv commercials for just about every big name brand you can think of, so I need to be at the top of my game.

You’ll hear about my MADMEN moment, when a big name client actually sat a competing radio station creative team across the table from us so we could pitch our ideas in front of each other. Awkward much?

And you’ll hear my early mistakes and how I learnt from them. And some funny stories along the way.

Love to hear your thoughts!